The Foundation for Economic Prosperity fights for free market, pro-business policies and leadership to restore our state's prosperity, fuel job creation and cut the regulatory burdens choking economic growth. It is imperative we have level-headed, principled leadership at the Oklahoma State Capitol. We must have leaders who not only understand business but are unwavering in their commitment to fiscal conservatism and good stewardship of our tax dollars.

Our Roots
Founded in 2012, the Foundation for Economic Prosperity (FEP) is a public policy organization dedicated to pro-business, economic conservatism. The work of our leaders and staff advance ideas rooted in our belief in democracy and free enterprise.
We believe that, together, we can make progress toward reform in many policy areas and create a better, more prosperous America.
FEP is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, 501(c)(4) social welfare organization. We may accept corporate and personal contributions.
All financial support goes toward shaping conservative public policy.
We work for you by advocating for federal, state, and local policy initiatives that strengthen the ability of Americans to prosper and grow businesses.

We work to protect and promote an economic environment that allows individuals and businesses to prosper. FEP speaks with one voice to advance candidates and public policies that build strong communities and promote a vibrant business environment.

Through FEP’s grassroots outreach and engagement efforts, citizens and job creators are building valuable relationships with policymakers and helping to advance pro-business legislation.

Foundation for Economic Prosperity, Inc.
P.O. Box 2562
Oklahoma City, OK 73101
(405) 601-3775